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Herbal Consultation - Lavender
60 Minute Meeting with 30 Minute Follow Up Meeting

Herbal Consultation - Yarrow
6 Week Timeframe - 3 60 Minute Meetings

Ivory Isis Herbals
Plant Consultations

If you own or live on land, I can help educate you on the useful plants you have growing on your property!
We will mark trees, shrubs, and areas with useful native plants, so that you can use your local wild plants for anything from herbal creations to foraged food.
We can do a seasonal hike with your friends and family or a one-on-one discussion.
We will discuss each plant in-depth, including harvest seasons, historical uses, and current ways to use each plant.
I am based outside Kansas City, MO. I work within two hours of this location currently, but we can discuss available options!
Visit the Contact page to inquire!
Classes start at $150.00 for a small area of land that is less than one acre.
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