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Herbal Consultation - Lavender
60 Minute Meeting with 30 Minute Follow Up Meeting

Herbal Consultation - Yarrow
6 Week Timeframe - 3 60 Minute Meetings

Ivory Isis Herbals

I get asked a LOT of questions about
Health and Nutrition
Various free information
Business mentorship
I am one person who works two jobs, who really only has the time to answer questions regarding the products that I create.
I also cannot take on anyone for an herbal mentorship right now, due to time restrictions, and I only offer a limited number of classes that I teach every year. I also cannot provide herbal consultations at this time.
I have spent many years learning what I have so that I could create my products successfully.
However, I have compiled a list of resources below to assist you with your questions!
Please refer to these resources below to answer your questions.
Herbal Schools
Learn More About Herbs
Sacred Earth Arts (Kansas City local)
Prairiewise Herbal School (Kansas City local)
Herb Mentor
School of Evolutionary Herbalism
Herbal Academy
Rowan + Sage
Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine
Chestnut School of Herbs School Directory
Functional Nutrition
Get Help with Your Health
(Kansas City area only)
Premier Integrative Health
Kansas City Integrative Health
Bloom La Vie Health
Avena Naturopathic Center for Well-Being
Infinity Chiropractic & Acupuncture
Books & Blogs
Read About Herbs
Chestnut School of Herbs Favorite Herbalism Books
Best Herbalism Books
Chestnut School of Herbs Blogs List
Herbal Academy Blog
Mountain Rose Herbs Blog
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